Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hello WGS 100 classes. I just wanted to welcome you to the blog. By tomorrow I will have an interesting post up for you to respond to over the weekend. You will be alowed to respond anonymously, or to sign on with a google account. Please experiment with including links. To do so, follow these instructions:

To create a hyperlink, you use the a tag in conjunction with the href attribute (href stands for Hypertext Reference). The value of the href attribute is the URL, or, location of where the link is pointing to.

To see an example of the code, follow below.

I found this at a site that gives tutorials on html code

If you are hoping to comment right now on something, here's a little comic strip.

More to come tomorrow, but comment if you'd like to.


  1. I see this "joke" as what it is just a joke; i dont feel that it is misogyny by any means. I am male and i understand im not the target of the joke but if i were i would not be insulted by any means. Things like this need to be seen for what they are "jokes". Something like this should never be taken offensivley.

  2. These ads are clearly jokes used to entertain its audience, not put them down. I can definitely see how this would come off as offensive to some women, but I think they just need to take it with good humor and not let it get to them. People that are offended by these types of ads are extremely uptight with a lack of sense of humor and think everything is about them.

  3. please comment under the correct post, so you have the chance to read everyone's comments. there's a comment button up above this post under the commercials.

  4. i think the comic posses a good point while at the same time lacks validity

  5. i think sometimes the best way to express a point is through a joke because people think twice about them.
