Sunday, January 11, 2009

some you tube videos for class

You need not respond to this post. I am putting up the you Tube video referenced in the comments below, as well as a couple others I find interesting. We will look at them in class too.

Here is the video that was linked to earlier.


  1. Ha... Oddly enough, I LOVED this video.
    It showed exactly the reaction that I expected.
    I'm sure that not all men think like the ones interviewed (minus the AWESOME guy who was interviewed lastly). At least, I really hope most men don't feel that way... It would be REALLY depressing. I hope most men are like the last guy, supportive and open to the idea of feminism.
    I'd like those other boys to take a long walk in a girl's/woman's shoes & see if their opinion would change. It's a hard concept for men to understand. I look at it like... Only a recovering alcoholic can understand another recovering alcoholic and what they're going through. If you haven't experienced oppression/sexism/what have you, it would be hard to comprehend how it truly feels and it's effects.

    Why wouldn't that woman interviewed (wearing black w/ her husband) believe in women's rights? she doesn't want rights?
    ~The bible states very clearly that men are the head of the household? That man and woman deserve each other.

    Is this video connected to another video or is she leaving out information? It seems odd to immediately start with the off hand information, "I just don't think it would be a good idea to talk about feminism on the first date..." Connection?

  2. Interesting comments to a NY Times article:

  3. I agree with A Meeks in that this is actually exactly how I expected a poll like this to go. Most people have a negative connotation about the word feminist, and I think its like those boys said, because they are ignorant. people tend to only hear about the negative side of things. Noone really takes the time and understands all the good things that have happened because of feminists such as the right for women to vote and all the womens rights that we have today. That black hat lady and her no lip husband are just narrow minded people because what she said didnt even make sense. She said she doesnt consider herself a feminist because they like womens rights. What women no matter who you are doesnt want rights?
    Im not a die hard hairy feminist and I think that women deserve to have the same rights as men. And I applaud Anthony at the end who respects women and wants to see them treated fairly. What a guy

  4. I think the best answer of this video was one of the responses at the beginning with the guy who said "I am ignorant." Not many are willing to admit that they just don't know, even though they are part of a majority.

  5. I think that this video does a great job on showing how many men think of feminism in the wrong way compared to the ones that are open thinkers about it and don't just automatically think "angry woman" or "lesbian".
    I mean every man in this video (except for the last one) are saying their opinions about feminism is a negative vibe like it's not a good thing at all to stand up for yourself as a woman. Either that or they dont have a clue and they just go off of sterotypical feminism or just go off of what others say.

  6. I think it's interesting to see a poll such as this and find out that a woman cannot strive for equal rights without having an ignorant man believe she's just "bitching"; however, men and women are different.

    Although both sexes have different opinions, I believe the best thing to do is to take a step back and at least TRY to understand the opposing viewpoint.

  7. Since we are so interested in walking "in the other's shoes," please try the experiment in the above post, and report back. Great responses here. Thank you.

  8. Also, the NY Times article responses is worth checking out. Thanks Amy. Maybe we can bring it up again when we deal more directly with reproductive choices in a later unit.

  9. This video just shows that many peopel don't have a correctly knowledge of which is feminism or what kind of concept is feminism. Therefore, many people just like these ignorant people on the street, they shows their view about women's right and women's standard in the society, but most of the view are disrespectable. Therefore, women's study should become a required educational course for everybody to take in order to enhance the understanding of the relationship between men and women.

  10. I think the term "feminist" can be taken in many ways. As a woman, I don't identify myself as a feminist but do believe in the need for equality.

  11. I believe that feminist is an extreme way for a women to over react about not have equal rights. Women in my eyes basically have equal rights with men.
